Saturday, February 16, 2019

Introducing the Zepton Programming Language

The Zepton programming language is a Java syntax compatible programming language that has only a “program” construct. Zepton is from “zepto” the smallest measurable interval of time, so small, and the letter “N” for the Nth programming language--”zepto” + “N” or “Zepton” programming language.

Zepton is designed with only one new keyword: “prog” for a program. Java is object-oriented centric, which means everything is a class and that a class has to offer.

While Java is a very popular programming language, and is used to teach programming and software development, it has become a gargantuan programming language with the many features.

Zepton is intended for learning the syntax, statements, and concepts of Java--while being able to use all existing Java classes, libraries, packages, and frameworks. Also Zepton is useful for quick and dirty programming--without having to create an entire class.

The required, classic example is in Zepton:

package zepton.demo;

prog helloWorld {
  println(“Hello World!!!”);

The equivalent Java verbose class is:

package zepton.demo;

import static java.lang.System;

public final class helloWorld extends Object {

  private helloWorld(){}

  public final static void main(final String[] args){
    out.println(“Hello World!!!”);

Zepton allows a program to be written to implement functionality, but without the need for object-oriented features of code re-use. But Java code can be re-used in a Zepton program.

Zepton is not “Yet Another Programming Language” (YAPL) but a conceptual extension of the Java programming language--which has class, thread, enum, now outside an outside programming language that builds on Java with the program concept.